Woke up lazy this morning

Woke up lazy this morning

by Lovlesh Saini on Oct 22, 2024

There’s something about certain mornings that feel almost unpleasant, the one where you wake up, but it doesn’t feel like you’re awake. Where the bedsheets cling to your limbs, weigh you down, and whisper, “Stay in the bed a little longer.” That was me this morning, my alarm went off, chirping optimistically at 7 a.m. as if it hadn’t noticed the exhaustion in my bones. I blinked once, twice, and the next thing I knew, the alarm had been snoozed three times. It wasn’t a lack of sleep that had me feeling sluggish, it was just one of those days. The kind where even the idea of swinging my legs out of bed felt like too much effort, and my brain remained wrapped in a fog so thick I could hardly think straight. 

But life doesn’t care if you’re in the mood to lie in bed all day, does it?

I sighed, rolled out of bed, and tried the usual tricks. Cold water on my face, nope, a quick stretch, useless. Even scrolling through my phone didn’t do the job. In times like these, believe me, there’s really only one reliable remedy. No, not a motivational song, or a morning run (please, not today). The only thing that could possibly revive me now was a black tea. A cup of strong, deeply brewed black tea, bold enough to knock the fog out of my head. 

If you’re a tea toddler like me, you know the feeling of relief those first few minutes carry when the kettle boils. The promise of something better, a little clarity wrapped in the warmth of a teacup. I tossed a tea bag into my favorite mug (the one with the tiny crack on the handle that somehow makes it perfect) and watched the steam rise as I poured the water. There’s something almost hypnotic about the darkening of the water, the scent of the tea leaves slowly filling the kitchen. I remember I was brewing Earl Grey tea that I bought from this Freshleaf brand, the thing about their Earl Grey tea is that it sneaks up on you, it’s citrusy but not sharp, comforting, but with a punch. 

I took a deep breath, wrapped my hands around the warm mug, and finally brought it to my lips. And just like that, the world felt a little clearer. 

Let me tell you a funny thing about black tea, it doesn’t hit you like coffee, with that instant jolt of caffeine, that feels like a slap to the face. No, black tea works differently, it’s like a gentle nudge. Slowly, but surely, the laziness that had so firmly anchored me to the bed was suddenly slipping away, evaporating with the steam that rose from my cup.

There’s a reason black tea, especially Freshleaf’s Earl Grey, has become my go-to on mornings like this. It’s not just about the caffeine, though let’s be honest, it definitely helps, but there’s something more to it. Where coffee can sometimes leave me feeling jittery, like I’m bouncing off the walls, black tea keeps me grounded. And for mornings like today, that’s exactly what I needed, clarity without chaos. I didn’t want to feel like I was racing to catch up with the day, I wanted to feel like I could ease into it, and find my rhythm, and that’s what black tea did. You see, it’s not about getting hyperproductive in an instant, it’s about calming down for a moment, giving myself time and space to wake up fully and become present. Well, I remember reading in some blogs that black tea is rich in antioxidants and they’re really really good in reducing stress hormones. So, they’re enough to give a calming start to my day, instead of rushing headlong into tasks half-awake.

With my cup in hand, I sat by the window, watching the world outside come to life. The sunlight was brighter now, and the birds a little louder. My thoughts started to come together, what had felt like a jumbled mess of tasks and to-do lists suddenly began to make sense. The day, which had started so sluggishly, didn’t seem quite so daunting anymore. I finished my cup, feeling lighter, more awake, and somehow more centered. The laziness that had gripped me when I first woke up had melted away, replaced by a quiet focus. Sure the day still held its usual challenges, but I was ready for them now. Black tea, particularly Freshleaf’s blend, had done its magic once again. There’s something about the ritual, the flavors, and the delicate balance of caffeine and calm that makes even the slowest of mornings feel manageable. 

So, the next time you wake up feeling like you’ve been hit by a truck (or just your snooze button too many times), reach for a cup of black tea. Because sometimes, all you need is a little nudge from a rich, comforting cup of Earl Grey to turn your lazy mornings into a productive day.