Indian Chai Tea

Chai Tea: The Indian Pick Me Up Drink

by Lovlesh Saini on Jul 31, 2024


Well, first of all, why are you even here? I mean, if you do not know what Chai is, are you even Indian? Anyway, we’ll refresh your memory a little! Chai is that liquid beverage you dip your biscuits in; it’s that liquid beverage you drink while making a “Slurpp” sound, and it’s the same liquid beverage that relieves your stress after a hectic day. 

If you’re from India, you must have some memory of your mom making chai, and you’re sitting on the shelf watching her. I remember one incident. I was maybe 6-7 years old at that time. My mother was making chai in the kitchen, and I went there, jumping beside her, asking her to let me see what she was doing. She picked me up and sat me down on the shelf. I remember getting too close to the gas stove and her pushing me away, even though I refused to hop down; however, I did move away a bit. I remember seeing her add a lot of ingredients, like adrak (ginger), cheeni (sugar), and elaichi (cardamom), and I also remember annoying her by asking every time, “What’s that?"  and “Why did we add that?” and “What will happen if we don’t add them?" I don’t remember what happened after that, but I do remember one thing very specifically: I remember the aroma that suddenly hit me when she poured the tea into cups. 

It was then that I developed a love for Chai. Now, don’t worry, this is not a personal blog. In this blog, we’ll talk about this Indian pick-me-up drink, its origin, and why it is celebrated so much in India. So, let’s get started!

Origin of this Indian pick-me-up drink

Chai is steeped in a rich history; the name “Chai” is actually the Hindi word for "tea,"  so whenever you hear someone say Chai Tea, remember, they’re just saying, “Chai Chai." Now, the word “tea” is derived from "Cha,"  the Chinese word for "tea." Moving on, legend has it that the origin of chai dates back more than 5,000 years when a king in what is now India ordered a healing spiced beverage be created for use in Ayurveda. The heat from ginger and black pepper was believed to stimulate digestion; the antiseptic properties in cloves were thought to help relieve pain; cardamom was used as a mood elevator; cinnamon supported circulation and respiratory function; and star anise was known to freshen the breath.

As the healing beverage spread across India, a wide variety of spices were used to prepare the drink, depending on the region of the continent or even the neighborhood where the beverage was being made.

Believe it or not, original versions of “masala chai,"  or “spiced tea,"  contained no actual Camellia sinensis tea leaves. Milk and sugar were also later additions to the famous drink. The addition of black tea leaves, milk, and sugar was popularized thousands of years later (in the mid-1800s) when the Camellia sinensis assamica tea plant variety was discovered in India and cultivated by the British, who ruled the continent at the time and had an insatiable desire for strong black tea with milk and sugar. And it was then that Chai was born.

Tasting Chai

The vast variety of chai recipes means that the beverage can take on many different flavor directions depending on the ingredients used. Chai that’s heavy on the ginger and black peppercorns can leave a fiery bite. Others containing more vanilla, cinnamon, or nutmeg may leave behind a sweeter note. Those with saffron or cacao may impart some earthy bitterness. And those using fennel or cumin may have a more savory note.

Don’t worry, we at Freshleaf have also got something for you. As a tribute to the streets of Mumbai, our cutting chai was created with the more classic, original Indian chai flavors in mind. This chai is brewed in the zesty flavors of ginger, sweet-minty cardamom, and aromatic fennel in Freshleaf’s Cutting Chai, a carnival of taste that adds a punch of spice to your routine. On another note, specifically crafted for spice lovers is our Cardamom spiced chai. Brewed with the enticing blend of robust Assam tea, fragrant cardamom, and spirited black pepper, this chai offers fragrant cardamom’s sweet-minty notes and the bold, spicy hint of black pepper.

Why is Chai celebrated in India?

Well, we Indians love chai, which to be honest is an understatement. I mean, obviously, it is one of the most popular beverages of all time in India and is widely consumed not only in India but overseas as well. The popularity, even though well deserved, is not solely due to its taste but because of many different reasons. Wanna know a few?

Well, the first reason that comes to mind is the health benefits of this beverage. Different types of teas combine spices like ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, etc., all of which have their respective health benefits. When combined and consumed as a tea, they help boost the immune system and help strengthen the body against common infections. 

Second is the variety; I mean, the reach, flexibility, and variety of this beverage are mind-blowing. You can add different combinations of spices, and believe me, even a single change in any spice will totally change the taste. You can have it with water, with milk, or with both water and milk; you can even brew some cold beverages from this! 

Finally, I’ll say its cultural significance makes it so popular; masala chai, a popular kind of chai tea, originated in India. Its various blends and forms represent different parts of India, making it a cultural heritage. Not only that, it’s a symbol of hospitality, friendship, and togetherness, and plays a central role in social interactions across the country.

In a nutshell

Chai is more than just a beverage; it is a cherished tradition, a symbol of warmth, and an integral part of Indian culture. Whether you enjoy it in the morning to kickstart your day, in the afternoon as a pick-me-up, or in the evening as a relaxing ritual, chai has a unique ability to bring comfort and joy. Its rich history and diverse flavors make it a drink that can be personalized to suit anyone's taste, reflecting the vibrant tapestry of India's cultural heritage.

At Freshleaf, we celebrate this timeless tradition with our unique blends that capture the essence of authentic Indian chai. From the zesty Cutting Chai to the robust Cardamom Spiced Chai, each cup is crafted to deliver an exceptional tea experience. Experience the magic of chai with Freshleaf's specially curated blends. Visit our website and bring home the essence of India's favorite beverage today.
